- PRE STAMPEDE MONITORING AND ALERT SYSTEM: A large number of pressure actuated switches interfaced to microcontroller to provide pre stampede warning by a buzzer, once the crowd concentrate at place for a long time with little forward movements taking place .
- Modern home automation system using intelligent touch screen: A touch screen based transmitting unit is used to manage home lighting system remotely with RF receiver to avoid complicated wiring in existing buildings.
- WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER: The project is to develop a system of wireless power transfer for pace makers battery charging (An electronic device implanted in body that works in place of a defective heart valve) .Otherwise the patient is required to be operated every year to replace the battery .
- PC CONTROLLED SCROLLING MESSAGE DISPLAY FOR COLLEGE NOTICE BOARD: Message sent from the PC is transmitted to the notice board over cable ,goes on scrolling in a LCD display in 2 lines until the next message is entered or cancelled.
- Propeller display: Indication of name/time etc using a set of lads rotating at high speed to give a virtual display being wirelessly powered.
- RASH DRIVING WARNING SYSTEM FOR HIGHWAY POLICE: The time difference between 2 spots with ,one in advance to the other in the direction of the traffic flow, is fed to a circuit to convert the same to the speed of a vehicle and warn if the same exceeds a specified limit by a buzzer sound.
- Density based traffic light timing control (Using PIC Microcontroller): The project is to solve traffic congestion by a dynamic and automatic traffic light control system based on the traffic density using appropriate system and hardware. IR sensors across the road used to monitor the length of vehicles blocking the road traffic. The signals from the IR receivers are fed to the MC to follow the program with the time as desired.
- Street lights that glow for 1/2km only on detecting vehicle movement: Light Emitting Diode (LED) replaces HID lamps by engaging a programmable microcontroller that controls intensity by pulse width modulation which enables energy saving during late nights considering low traffic density. The pulse width becomes very narrow on sensing no movement of vehicles. As the vehicle forwards, the intensity goes on increasing for few lights ahead, and as it passes away the intensity goes on falling.
- Dynamically changing signal light time allotment in street junctions based on traffic density: The project is to solve traffic congestion by a dynamic and automatic traffic light control system based on the traffic density using appropriate system and hardware. IR sensors across the road used to monitor the length of vehicles blocking the road traffic. The signals from the IR receivers are fed to the Microcontroller to follow different time for different level of traffic.
- Low cost Programmable Logic Control ( PLC) for industrial automation in repetitive nature of work: Objective is designing a microcontroller based programmable time setting by the user through microcontroller architecture loaded with an application program. Switches are provided for set mode, auto mode , manual mode and time change mode. Machines will run based on/off sequentially in auto mode in default time settings or set mode time setting or manual mode depending on the user’s need and flexibility.
- WIRELESS AUDIO TRANSMITTER FOR TV: The audio output of the TV is fed to an FM transmitter that transmits the audio to be received by any FM receiver (or a cell phone having FM radio).It can be used to listen to TV sound without disturbing any one else.
- Automatic irrigation system on sensing soil moisture content: The circuit comprises of sensor parts built using op-amp and are configured here as a comparator. Two stiff copper wires are inserted in the soil to sense whether it is dry. The Microcontroller turns the motor ON and OFF based on sensors condition that is dry or wet respectively. Sensor signals are operated with the control of software that is stored in ROM of the MC.
- PRECISE ILLUMINATION CONTROL OF LAMP: Precise percentage of illumination entered through a numeric key pad is interfaced to a micro controller to maintain illumination of a lamp. The firing angle would be automatically adjusted to maintain the load power to the lamp such that the entered intensity matches the required one.
- PROGRAMABLE ENERGY AUDITING EQIPMENT FOR INDUSTRY FOR INSTANTANEOUS ELECTRICAL LOAD SURVEY: Auto calculation of energy details in a minute ,to indicate the load consumption in units and cost in rupees while the load is assumed to run for specific number of hours, with displays on a 16X2 LCD duly interfaced with the microcontroller.
- HOME AUTOMATION USING DIGITAL CONTROL: A circuit interfaced to a land line telephone is used to control on off of home / office load remotely using DTMF technology but without using any microcontroller or any program.
- HIDDEN ACTIVE CELLPHONE DETECTOR: A 555 timer in mono-stable mode along with a high gain op amp is used to detect Giga Hertz induced signals so produced by an active cell phone with in closer proximity to sound a buzzer alarm.
- STAMP VALUE CALCULATOR FOR POST OFFICE: Calculating the weight of the letters & value by a balancing arrangement is used to control a potentiometer the output of which is fed to an ADC interfaced to microcontroller having a display.
- Life cycle testing of electrical loads by down counter: A preset able counter with keypad entry that counts down from the set number till it reaches zero with relay operation connected to a load that switches ON & OFF is used for life cycle test of the gadget under test say a lamp to determine its life.
- A LOW COST LONG RANGE FM TRANSMITTER WITH AUDIO MODULATION: A low cost FM transmitter with audio modulation consisting of 106 MHz oscillator circuit, VFO and RF power amplifier connected to a tuned Yagi antenna to cover about 5 km line of site distance or 1Km by GP antenna.
- User programmable password based hotel room door lock: The microcontroller based Door locker is an access control system that allows only authorized persons to access a restricted area. The password is stored in another dedicated EEPROM which can be changed at any time unlike a fixed one burnt permanently on to the microcontroller.
- REMOTE JAMMING DEVICE: The IR rays of standard TV remote frequency at 38 KHz transmitted at a higher intensity to overpower the TV remote signals as they also work on 38 KHz.
- IR OBSTACLE DETECTION TO ACTUATE LOAD: 38 KHz IR signals generated by 555 timer feeding IR diode received by tuned IR receiver generates an interrupt while obstructed to actuate a load.
- SPEED CHECKER TO DETECT RASH DRIVING ON HIGHWAYS: The time difference between 2 spots with ,one in advance to the other in the direction of the traffic flow, is fed to a programmed microcontroller to convert the same to the speed of a vehicle and warn if the same exceeds a specified limit by a buzzer sound.
- AUTOMATIC DUSK TO DAWN (EVENING ON TO MORNING OFF): LDR input compared op amp turns ON the appliances on through relay at falling light intensity in evening and OFF at the morning light.
- RHYTHM FOLLOWING FLASHING LIGHTS: Sound signals sensed by condenser microphone are amplified to feed triacs to drive the bulbs or LED via opto isolator to increase or decrease the lamp intensity according to the music level.
- SUN TRACKING SOLAR PANEL: Microcontroller interfaced to a stepper motor to rotate the solar panel during day, in steps from zero to 180 degrees to track the sun for maximum power delivery (solar panel not supplied).
- Programmable load shedding time management for utility department: Time Operated Electrical Appliance Controlling System is a reliable circuit that takes over the manual task of switch on/off the electrical devices with respect to time. It has an Inbuilt Real Time Clock (RTC) which tracks over the Real Time. When this time equals to the programmed time, then the corresponding Relay for the device is switched ON. Multiple time programming is also available.
- Auto power supply control from 4 different sources: Solar, Mains, Generator & Inverter to ensure no break power: The main scope of the project is to consume the power from supply mains, generator, and wind power and solar optimally by using appropriate program through microcontroller in most cost effective way.
- Control unit designed for a DC motor: The speed of motor is directly proportional to the DC voltage applied across its terminals where the voltage is applied to control motor speed with Pulse Width Modulation wave. Here based on the pulse duty cycle provided by microcontroller the speed of motor is controlled.
- Intelligent, real time auto intensity control of highway lights: White Light Emitting Diode (LED) replaces HID lamps by engaging a programmable microcontroller that controls intensity by pulse width modulation duty cycle which enables energy saving during late nights considering low traffic density.
- Industrial drafting fan in stepped speed control using BLDC motor: Eight step control of BLDC motor speed by microcontroller fed MOSFET for meeting industrial needs.
- ELECTRONIC EYE CONTROLLED SECURITY SYSTEM: A pair of photo sensors detecting movements to activate a relay to switch ON any load together with an alarm system
- FASTEST FINGER PRESS QUIZ BUZZER: A set of 8 switches interfaced to an octal transparent CMOS digital latch wired as priority encoder to activate a buzzer.
- PRE-PROGRAMMED DIGITAL SCROLLING MESSAGE SYSTEM: Bright alphanumeric LED display scrolling advertisement system in show windows.
- INTELLIGENT OVERHEAD TANK WATER LEVEL INDICATOR: 10 to 4 priority encoder interfaced to a BCD to 7 segment decoder for display of water level in a scale of 0 to 10.
- MAINS OPERATED LED LIGHT IN STRING: A string of LED’s are made to operate at 230V AC by series capacitor drop and current limit resistor and then being rectified to DC for maintaining a safe operating voltage for the LEDs.
- THERMISTER BASED TEMPERATURE CONTROL WITHOUT MICRO CONTROLLER: Negative co-efficient thermistor used along with an operational amplifier used as comparator to actuate a relay in the event of temperature going out of range.
- STEP UP 6 VOLT DC TO 12 VOLT DC USING 555 TIMER: A 555 timer used in astable mode outputs twice the PWM AC from 6 volt DC and then by voltage multiplication to generate 12 volt DC by capacitor charge pump method.
- OVER VOLTAGE OR UNDER VOLTAGE ALERT SYSTEM: Two 555 timers used on window comparator, the output of which gets active LED indication when voltage exceeds or falls the set threshold value.
- OBJECT COUNTER WITH 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY: An IR sensor receives the interrupt pulses to count and send the data to microcontroller for displaying it on 7-segment LED’s.
- INCOMING PHONE RING LIGHT FLASHER: Phone line is connected through an opto isolator that drives a relay / triac through a transistor whenever ring is detected to switch on a 230V lamp to flash in accordance to ring.
- SOLAR POWER CHARGE CONTROLLER: A set of comparators used to drive MOSFETs for bypassing the solar panel power in the event of excess charging. Also providing overload and under battery protection to the load used.
- WIRE LOOP BREAKING ALARM SIGNAL: A circuit using transistors to operate a load used to drive the transistor in to saturation while loop breaks to switch on a buzzer.
- VIDEO ACTIVATED RELAY TO CONTROL THE LOAD: A circuit using transistors to operate a load whenever a composite video signal from TV is detected at the input.
- TOUCH CONTROLLED LOAD SWITCH: A touch sensitive switch with 555 being formed out of a monostable arrangement to switch on relay at output to drive any load.
- TIME DELAY BASED RELAY OPERATED LOAD: The 555 timer based circuit switches the load after certain delay (0 to 20 seconds) which is adjustable by the varying resistance in the RC time constant.
- Beacon flasher using microcontroller and PWM fed MOSFET: Slow flashing of LED lamps at one second interval for beacon light warning system at sea shores.
- Discotheque light stroboscopic flasher: Cluster of high power LED replacing stroboscopic light flasher driven by microcontroller controlled solid state power switch.
- Automobile head light lamp intensity dimmer to control glare: 12 volt, 10 watt automobile lamp dimmer by varying pulse width signal.
- Password based circuit breaker control to ensure electric line man's safety: Microcontroller based mains circuit breaker ON/OFF arrangement by password controlled such that unauthorized person can never accidentally switch ON the power system for Line man's safety.
- Large digit display of dialed telephone numbers for STD billing centers: Dialed telephone numbers are picked up by a DTMF decoder to feed to a micro controller to drive ten numbers seven segment LED displays for better visibility.
- FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL for a brushless DC motor to run at the exactly entered speed: Precise speed entered through a numeric key pad interfaced to a micro controller maintains the entered speed of a BLDC motor by sensing shaft mounted IR sensors working on a closed loop circuit by a half bridge ac to Dc circuit comprising 2 SCRs and 2 Diodes .
- Hall effect sensor based speed measurement of DC motor: Hall effect controlled microcontroller based non contact type speed measurement system and display.
- Three digit preset counter warning system for limit cross operation of industrial loads: A countdown timer with programmable features for meeting industrial load schedule maintenance.
- Induction heating by high frequency power output: 25 KHz power generation for a very low impedance coil to work as instant induction heating for medical sterilization applications.
- CAN based security system: Message based monitoring tool using the RS232 Rx Tx features of the MC to communicate between 3 Microcontrollers, one for input, one for display and the other for some load in semi CAN protocol.
- Password based secured area entry with wrong attempt alarm: Password stored in dedicated EEPROM with I2C protocol by user entry keypad is used to lock or unlock the door, by a motor and an alarm is sounded in case of wrong password attempt.
- Time operated motor control with LCD display: Specific timed programmed pump motor operation by microcontroller based RTC, real time clock.
- Automatic gate opening system for parking lot: Sonar sensor based microcontroller controlled parking gate opening system for automatic entry at the gate.
- Automatic bell system for schools/ colleges: Period over class room bell system for each period using microcontroller and real time clock.
- Password based jail chamber gate operation by motor: Numeric keypad interfaced microcontroller to sense exact password for door opening and closing in high security area.
- Overload alarm warning system in a passenger lift with number of occupants indication: 2 digit 7 segment LED display of occupants ,driven from microcontroller along with warning system on excess people in a lift.
- Temperature warning system for Nuclear plants: Early warning alarm system of temperature rise in Nuclear plants to avoid future disasters.
- Automatic washing machine control with manual override: Sequential operation of washing machine having programmable time for each operation and manual also operation alternatively.
- TV remote operated curtain closer/opener: Synchronous motor operated either direction movement of curtains remotely by standard TV remotes in commercial complexes.
- Auto selection of Fan available from multiple supply sources: Un-interrupted supply to critical cooling fans from any available supply source.
- Street light that glows showing the road ahead for ½ km only on sensing vehicles or any movement (Using PIC Microcontroller): Light Emitting Diode (LED) replaces HID lamps by engaging a programmable microcontroller that controls intensity by pulse width modulation which enables energy saving during late nights considering low traffic density. The pulse width becomes very narrow on sensing no movement of vehicles. As the vehicle forwards, the intensity goes on increasing for few lights ahead and as it passes away the intensity goes on falling.
Sunday, January 01, 2012
General Electronics projects
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